Monday, June 25, 2012

Last Summer on Earth Bucket List Video Project

We all know the world is ending on December 21, 2012 – at least, according to the Mayans – so this is our last summer on Earth. Ever. And “ever” is a long, long time. Before this planet is simultaneously destroyed by an asteroid, swallowed by the ocean itself, invaded by an extraterrestrial civilization or whatever Hollywood has cooked up this summer, I'd like to do a couple things, which is why I've compiled this bucket list of fun activities.

Despite being my last chance to do any of this stuff, I'm not going to stress myself out if not every single one of these is accomplished. This is not about work, this is about fun and enjoying one final summer with people I love. Furthermore, I retain the right to alter, change, add, or interpret this list as I see fit.

If you'd like to assist me and my close friends with completing this list, you are more than welcomed. I will try my best to accommodate you and include you in my plans.

Last Summer on Earth Bucket List
  1. Ride a roller coaster
  2. Go to New York City
  3. Go to Penn's Cave
  4. Trash the Dress Photo Shoot
  5. Open a lemonade stand
  6. Inner tube in Penn's Creek
  7. See The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX.
  8. Suit UP and go out
  9. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  10. Rent a Limo
  11. Shave my head bald
  12. Be a redneck
  13. Start a Podcast
  14. Go to Chuckie Cheese
  15. Climb a tree
  17. Swing at dusk
  18. Have a slumber party
  19. Picnic in the park
  20. Donate blood
  21. Do something I've never done before
  22. Make homemade ice cream
  23. Dance (like nobody's watching, in the rain, spontaneously)
  24. Drink too much and film myself
  25. Beach Weekend
  26. Go cloud watching
  27. Write a letter to a stranger
  28. Make homemade popsicle
  29. Make a chemical explosion
  30. Sidewalk chalk
  31. Host a BBQ
  32. Watch fireworks
  33. Donate clothing to charity
  34. Not speak for a full day
  35. Hitchhike
  36. Get a tattoo
  37. Bungee jump
  38. Go camping
  39. Say YES
  40. Shoot a gun
  41. Buy $5 in lottery cards. Play until you lose.
  42. Blow some money at a casino
  43. Go kayaking
  44. Go with the flow.
  45. Go to a movie, film a review.
  46. Go geochaching
  47. Eat something I've never eaten before.
  48. Give up meat for an extended period of time.
  49. Water park
  50. Hershey Chocolate World
  51. Go to a rodeo
  52. Get muddy
  53. Catch fireflies in jars
  54. Tour the Yuengling Brewing Factory
  55. Go to Ricket's Glen
  56. The Great Secret Goat Project
  57. Hug Leslie
  58. Porch party
  59. Buy comics from Midtown Comics
  60. Movie marathon
  61. Look a dangerous animal in the face and live to tell the tale
  62. Self publish a book of poetry
  63. Jump
  64. Ride in a hot air balloon
  65. Ride a mechanical bull
  66. Go go-cart racing
  67. Trash the Dress Photo Shoot for Guys
  68. Pool side with beer.
  69. Clean up litter
  70. Night at the Drive-Ins
  71. Dig for fossils
  72. Make s'mores
  73. Spend an afternoon taking photos
  74. Laser tag
  75. Keep a record of the summer bucket list with photographs and video

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Let's Kill Hitler"


Two things I would have rather seen in the 6.08 episode of Doctor Who entitled "Let's Kill Hitler."

-While I was completely caught off guard by Melz being Melody/River, I think it would have been more satisfying to meet Melz before, maybe just a passing mention if not a full-fledged story. This has been one of the only times where I felt like Moffat didn't have a long, elaborate plan. Melz's back story felt like it was thrown in for the convenience of plot.
- The rehabilitation of Evil River seemed too quick. Maybe I just wanted to see more Badass Nazi River, but what if she had been the Big Bad for a couple episodes, hunting down the Doctor and setting traps for him, until she eventually kept experiencing his compassion for her, thus leading to her inevitable change?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Kind of Poet I Am

I'm not the kind of poet that slams.
Don't get me wrong, I love the style
I just don't quite get the rhythm
But I admire – no, I want – nay, I need
The type of passion I've seen
Associated with those powerful, spoken words.

You see, I'm the kind of poet
Who likes to rhyme
Who can hear a word or a phrase a thousand times
Without thinking, without blinking
Until that unspecified muse consumes my mind.
You want a confession? Here goes:
I get obsessive, and often no one knows.

It's words like “lips” and “lies
and “smolder” and “sweep
And “irresponsibly
That tip-toe meaningless toward my pen
Until I hear them in the right context.
Even now, the word “patiently
Has been slowly seducing me.
And I want nothing more
To hold it close and take it home.

Come on now, I'm the kind of poet
Who pretends to fall in love so he can write again.
The kind of poet who hears about a girl
With eyes that change color with the weather
Then loses sleep until I run out of ink.
She gets lines like, “She is of lighting and gentle thunder,
Of summer storms and falling rain."
I'm the kind of poet who realizes eyes of blue exist
But I won't notice until the right shade notices back.
At which time I call them “crystal” and write,
“I'll count each time she decides to blink.”

It's like this: I'm not the kind of poet to tell you a story
Who connects consonants and vowels and apostrophes
To construct some kind of artistic prose.
No, I'm the sort that leaves you hanging.
Always writing on the edge of not enough.
It's between the unanswered questions and unrequited details
That one can find my emotions, naked and weeping.
The quicker the rhyme, the quicker the release.
I'm just afraid that slam and the spoken word
Won't satisfy my need for absolution.

It's just that, I can't slam worth a damn,
But that won't stop me from trying.
That's the kind of poet I am.
This is my first attempt at the slam/spoken word style poetry that Amanda writes and performs. I realize this is likely crap, so I'm open to tips and pointers. I've always envied Amanda's style and passion, but I've never been able to catch it myself. After watching her and George Watsky perform live at Vidcon (and also Melza on her poetry channel), I want to be a part of this live, spoken word poetry movement. Look for this on my channel soon.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Love Poem to a Dead Girl

I often thought I couldn't live without you, but obviously I can.
I just changed the definition of what it meant to live.
Because if the World After is void of everything you are
Why would anyone want to dwell in that sort of life
A crude, bastard sketch of what reality could be?
A simple look destroyed me, and left me wanting.
The grievous blinks came in distant intervals of relief
But you still ignited my love, you painted my heart
With the brushstrokes of your very existence.
You were
Beautifully flawed, imperfectly pure
The whole of Heaven and Hell.
An angel with painful eyes
A femme fatale with sunset smiles
A contradiction and cliché.
Just like me.
I often claim to love you in past, present and future, but how,
When I am selfish, desperate, pitiful in my need for you?
I cannot release my anger in the way you were released.
I've not forgiven you for causing pain, Before and After
I've not forgotten you hurt me, and I hurt you back.
What kind of thing is this then, that I hate as much as I love?
I never told you what I meant to say, but I hoped you guessed.
Today, I placed dandelions upon your grave and didn't leave my name.
But you knew who they was from.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Slow Burn

I remember a time when my heart was set on fire
And singed anyone who came within my arms,
Smoking, fuming, stinging with every golden coal
But it was the good kind of hurt, the type of pain
A person desperately wishes would flicker forever
Because quenching the flames would mean the end
The inescapable, unavoidable, unsavory cessation
And inevitable conclusion of all I have come to love.
Pause, pause, for the love of God, pause!
What must I do to perpetually keep you close to me?
I promise this time I won't edit out any of the details
I swear I won't char the edges of these memories.
I want you to stay, to remain, to lag quietly in my life
Because the flames are swiftly turning to shadows of ash
And the scorching tears won't evaporate away this time.
I remember a dream I had in which we were together again
And when I woke up, my soul ignited with desire:
I want to burn in your eyes of everything.

For all of you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BEDJ 20: Which Way Did He Go?

Oh hey, look at that, I haven't blogged since Saturday. It completely slipped my mind since then. And seeing as to how no one really noticed (or at least didn't say anything), I supposed it's not that big of a deal.

I'm a little over a third of the way through #VEDJ. I don't like it. I really, really don't. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed Subway's Veggie Subs and I really don't mind Veggie Stir Fry with Rice, but I just want to enjoy chicken. I'm just getting so frustrated with this challenge that I've almost just quit several times. For example, yesterday, it was like Wendy's was out to get me. I stopped for some quick food, and they accidentally put a juicy hamburger  in my to-go back. I ended up throwing it out the window of my car, because I wanted to stick my face in it.

#EEDJ has also slowed down. Not because I don't want to do it, but because my knees have started to hurt me. I think it started after I did that trike ride last week, which was the most uncomfortable, awkward riding contraption ever. I'm still taking it the #EEDJ, it's just been slower and less. I think I may be able to pick it up back up tonight.

Also, I might see HP and the Deathly Hallows Part Two in Imax Friday.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

BEDJ 16: "Do You Want to Drop Some Lemons?"

I really, really wanted to talk about how frustrated I am with how last night ended, but I feel like that's not an appropriate story to throw out there all willy-nilly.

I'm just either the worst Mack Attacker in the history of the universe, or girls around here just aren't interested.

If you really want to know the story, you're welcome to talk to me on skype about it.

EEDJ: There will be none today.
VEDJ: Rice and veggies
         : fruit mix
         : Coke! (dun dun dun)